Infant Learning Program

The Infant Learning Program provides home-based early intervention services to families who have children between ages of birth and three who are experiencing delays in development.

Services are important because the first three years are the most important for a child’s developmental, children develop at different rates and families have the greatest impact on their child’s development. Anyone with concerns about an infant or toddler’s development can call us.

  • Evaluate a child’s development
  • Develop a plan for services
  • Provide special instruction, activities and materials to enhance learning
  • Offer information and support in locating other services and resources
  • Any child with a diagnosed developmental disability such as Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, etc.
  • Any child whose assessment indicates a delay in one or more developmental areas
  • Any child who is born prematurely or is in any way “at risk” of a delay in development.
Sources of Funding:
  • State of Alaska grants
  • Medicaid and private insurance

Most services are provided at no cost, including developmental screening, evaluation, special instruction, and family service coordination

There may be a charge for some services such as direct therapy

ILP Surveys